S&S University

Welcome to S&S University: Your Academy for Atlassian Excellence

Our Courses

We've curated a wide selection of courses to suit all needs and skill levels. Whether you're seeking foundational knowledge in Jira Software, aiming to dive deep into Confluence, or aspiring to master test management with Xray, you'll find the right course for you here.
Become an expert in using and customizing Jira Software, the premier agile tool for software project management
Learn to efficiently manage IT services and beyond, optimizing processes and enhancing customer satisfaction with Jira Service Management
Discover how to capture, track, and prioritize product ideas to turn them into successful projects with Jira Product Discovery
Develop skills to create and manage collaborative workspaces, corporate wikis, and knowledge bases with Confluence
Master Bitbucket for code versioning and discover best practices for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
A comprehensive pathway for those aiming to manage, configure, and optimize the use of Jira within their organization
Gain advanced skills in user management, security, and scalability of Jira at an organizational level
Explore IT Service Management (ITSM) and Enterprise Service Management (ESM) methodologies applied through Atlassian tools
Learn to plan, execute, and track software testing within Jira using Xray, ensuring software quality
Discover how to export, customize, and automate the generation of reports and documents from Jira with Xporter
Create aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-navigate Jira and Confluence portals, improving user experience with Refined
Manage time, resources, and financial planning in your Atlassian projects with integrated Tempo solutions
Strengthen the security of your code and applications by learning to integrate Snyk with Atlassian development tools

Why Choose S&S University

Every S&S University course comes with a promise: the promise to elevate your skills and optimize your organization's workflows. From theory to practice, we provide you with the tools to advance your career and contribute to your team's success.

Innovation & Excellence

We aim to be a company that stands out for innovation, service quality, and a constant commitment to excellence, guided by our ability to adapt quickly to changes and technological advancements.

How We Deliver Our Courses

Do you prefer learning at your own pace or in a classroom with other professionals? We offer both options, including on-demand online courses on Udemy and live sessions, to fit your learning style and commitments.

Live sessions

Udemy or on Our platform

Customised courses

Customized Courses

No two companies or professionals are the same. That's why we offer the option to customize courses, tailoring them to your organization's specific needs. Contact us to find out how we can help you achieve your training objectives.